
Publications & Presentations

Marianne RAYNAUD, former university professor and currently consultant and speaker, is the author of "QualityTime-ESL: The Digital Resource Book"} and the founder/webmaster of QualityTime-ESL.com.

  • "Using Film and Song in the ESL Classroom" a workshop for TESOL Grenoble with Sophie Pietrucci (October 29thth, 2009)
  • "Student Oral Presentations" a workshop for TESOL Grenoble (October 15th, 2009)
  • "The Sentimental Scrapbook of a Happy Teacher" a Pecha Kucha at TESOL Spain’s annual Colloquium in Seville (March 2009). See video.
  • "Teaching the English Our Students Need and Want!" a workshop for TESOL Spain’s annual Colloquium in Seville (March 2009)
  • "Motivating Students Through Pair Work, Tutorials, and Film Making" a two-day seminar for IATEFL Poland in Ustron (February 2009)
  • "Teaching the English Our Students Need and Want!" a workshop for TESOL France’s annual Colloquium in Paris (November 2008)
  • "Easy Ways of Adating IT to a Traditional Curriculum" a workshop for TESOL Spain’s annual convention in Madrid (March 2008)
  • "Enhancing Student Creativity: Debates, Talks and Films" a workshop for TESOL France at Telecom in Paris (April 2007)
  • "Student Films as a Memorable Linguistic Experience" a presentation for TESOL USA at the 41st TESOL Convention in Seattle, Washington USA (March 2007)
  • "Enhancing Student Participation in ESL Courses" a workshop for TESOL France at Telecom in Paris (December 2006)
  • "MyCPP, un site intranet pour un enseignement de l’anglais plus efficace" ("MyCPP, an Intranet Site to Make the Teaching of English More Effective and Efficient") presented at the UPLEGESS Congress in Paris, TELECOM Paris (June 2004), published in the Actes du XXIIe Congrès de l’ UPLEGESS
  • "QualityTime-ESL.com" presented at the UPLEGESS Congress in Dijon (June 2003), published in the Actes du XXXIe Congrès de l’ UPLEGESS
  • "Vive le Teamwork" ("Long Live Teamwork!") presented at the UPLEGESS Congress in Strasbourg (June 1993), published in the Actes du XXIe Congrès de l’ UPLEGESS
  • "Quelques réflexions par un professeur du second cycle", Bulletin Régional de Liaison et d’Information des Professeur d’anglais de l’Académie de Grenoble No. 6 (1977/78) CRDP de Grenoble